The Green Website Company (Case Studies) works with Renewable Energy Companies across the UK. Helping develop and build high quality websites that work for you.

Here are Green Website latest websites so far this month.

Solar Installer - Das Efx Electricals

This website was designed, developed along with all content the client only needed to give us the go ahead for this website. Green Website also designed the logo. Green Website will be managing this website on a monthly basis. It’s a good idea to keep the website current and up to date. Websites have become the new shop window into businesses. It’s important that you maintain the website and keep the images and content up to date.

This website only took 3 weeks for Green Website to complete.

The owner of Solar Installer (Das Efx Electrical) has already seen the benefit of a professional website. With inbound the leads sales have already been sold the website has already paid for itself.

Pheonix Scaffolding

Pheonix Scaffolding website is a basic one page website, this is all they wanted and needed for the business. This website took two weeks from start of the design to deployment.

The brief description from the company was keep it simple. The logo was improved and redesigned so the quality was better than the old logo.  Still maintaining the recognised image of the Phoenix. The company is aware of the spelling of Pheonix is incorrect, they took this because Phoenix had already been taken. Professional images have been used in the new design.  This gives an excellent profile of the business a more professional design than the old website.

Pheonix Scaffolding supplied most of the content. This is a simple low budget website yet still looks professional and clearly offer the services that they specialise in.

For a simple starter website like this contact us.